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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Of My Family

A mazing

B lessed and bloggers 

C hristians

D ependable

E nthusiastic

F rugal and forgiven

G lory and God

H appy

I ntelligent

J ustin, Jenna, and Jonah

K eelie and known for get-togethers

L evelheaded

M emories

N eed each other

O ptimistic  

P hoto lovers

Q uite a mix

R ick

S upportive and sane (for the most part)

T ravelers and tradition-keepers

U nselfish and unique

V ery Patient

W onderful Extended Family

X tra special love for each other

Y es, yes, yes – we love to eat

Z ealous in our interests and hobbies


  1. You are the "queen of blogging!"

  2. Dear Diana,

    I loved the ABC's of what your family is all about. We, too, have always been a very close knit family. I have two older brothers that are twins and two older sisters. I am the baby of the family.

    Thank you for your friendship and strong prayer support during this trial my husband and I have been weathering for quite some time now. As you know, I am praying for miracles. All rests in His hands.

    You have a beautiful family and I will be by again to visit. My blogging within this past month is sometimes sporadic because of all that is going on, but I try to get around to visit when I am able.

    Peace be with you this night dear friend.

    Blessings & Hugs,

  3. Hi Diana, It was great to visit your blog and read your ABC's...so thought provoking. I also went to your family blog and saw the pictures of your grandkids-so cute!
    Thank you for visiting me and I look forward to stopping by often.
    Blessings on your day!

  4. Diana, I know all of these to be so true about your family. I am so glad that we had the privilege of knowing you all, and now so glad that we can keep in touch through blogging.
    I wish other members of my family were bloggers.
    Continue to enjoy your summer. We are making more frequent trips to our house. Hope to see you sometime!

  5. What a wonderful list. Glad you posted it.

  6. I'm back to reading your blog. It gets my mind off other things. I like to listen to the music while I'm reading my e-mail. Hopefully, you can help me get my blog going before the end of summer.

  7. Hi Diana,
    What a great list! I enjoyed reading the ABC list about your family...very creative. Enjoy the rest of your week!
