The Beginning of "Friday's Fotos"
The family is on vacation. Dad takes out his camera, poses his wife and the kids. He takes a quick shot. Eventually, the picture is filed away in the family photo album. A meaningless activity? Whoa there!! Wait a minute. Let’s try this again!
The family is on vacation. Mom takes out her camera, poses her husband and the kids. She takes several shots. Within a very reasonable time, the pictures are printed for framing and photo albums. A meaningless activity? NO WAY!!!
Hundreds of family pictures are taken weekly with little regard for the meaning of the recorded image. I (as well as many of our family members) support the theory that photographs document the events that shape families’ lives. They record family history. In some cases, pictures may just be the only biographical material people leave behind after they die. Interpretation of these is a form of communication. They tell a story. One picture is just an event; but put some together and you begin to unveil patterns, traditions, and themes within a family.
I have thousands of pictures tucked away in photo albums and filed on the computer. I have them from my childhood as well as Rick’s. A great majority of them have been taken since our family began in 1977. I love most all of them. I say “most” because I can think of some that some people would question why I kept them. They are the ones far from flattering for the subjects involved. Those, too, are a part of the visual journal of our lives. Take them out and you lose a little piece of history. (Examples: when I had sinus/nose surgery, Justin’s facial injury in elementary school, Jenna’s foot surgery in high school, etc.).
Because all photographs are so important to me, I have created “Friday Fotos.” This weekly post will be for the sole purpose of just sharing memories through random photos. I hope you enjoy this as much as I know I will. Please feel free to comment with additional information about the pictures.
Hey, why don’t you do “Friday's Fotos” with me? Copy the header and get started searching through your photographs!

This is Rick at about a year and half old with his mother, Edna.
A mother's love and adoration for her baby boy......

This is also Rick outside his house.
Gotta love the tractor and "Daniel Boone" hat.
The car is a 1955 Chevy bluish green color
according to Rick.