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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Fun Weekend in Mansfield

Rick and I slept in Friday morning. We picked Marlow up from daycare around noon. After lunch, she napped for two and a half hours. We went to dinner with Jared and Jenna that evening. 

On Saturday, we all had lunch together. Then we put Marlow down for a nap. Jared and Jenna went with friends to ZestFest in Irving and out to dinner.  Marlow napped for two and a half hours again. She is always still ready to go to bed at 6:30 p.m. and sleeps until at least 7:00 every morning. That girl needs her sleep! 

Today, we had some great pizza at this place in Fort Worth and then we went on our annual trek to the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo at 2:00. (Marlow stayed with Jared's parents.) I just love our annual trip to this rodeo!

We had dinner back at the house with Jared's parents. We will pack up in the morning to go home. It is just awesome that Joe Pool Lake is so close to their house!

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