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Thursday, August 8, 2019


Since we have been home, we have been cleaning and going through every inch of the house. It seems two days after we left for Colorado, Jerry saw a snake in the hallway. That was one month ago.

For the first few days back, we continued to stay in the RV; he had moved out into his RV the evening he saw the snake! We have emptied closets and drawers. We have cleaned as we did room inspections. We have been using the sticky pads that are designed to "capture" a critter if it gets on it! After moving back into the house last night, we continued to use all our strategies to have a peace of mind; everyone feels that it had gotten out where it came in. Anyway, a couple of possible places in the house were sealed, a carload of "treasures" were taken to Salvation Army, and now we are good. I think our closets look pretty amazing. However, we are still using the sticky pads!

Oh, and we purchased snake repellent granules for the perimeter of the outside foundation!

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