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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cherry Blossom Festival

When we planned our D.C. trip, we didn't realize we would get to see the trees in bloom. What a treat! These were taken at the Arlington National Cemetery.

For now, suffice it to say we had a great trip. Marilyn and I enjoyed every minute of it. The kids entertained us constantly, and the sites were awesome. I'll share (or bore you) with more later.


  1. So beautiful. What a great surprise.

    I wrote a lil about TX Blogging Gals on my blog. Thanks for putting this idea together. I have met some wonderful ladies. Now we just all need to meet to become blog friends and real life friends ;)

  2. Oh, how lovely! Perfect timing....

  3. WOW...I can smell them even now! Come say hi :D

  4. Those photos are gorgeous!

  5. The cherry blossoms are amazing! Glad you got to see them. I will look forward to your other pictures. Washington is a fun trip! So much to see and do there and so much of it is free. Love & blessings from NC!

  6. Oh, you're so lucky. I've always read about how beautiful those cherry blossoms in D.C. are. Your pictures are wonderful.

  7. You know, I've always seen those trees in pictures, but never realized how LARGE those blossoms are! Absolutely GORGEOUS!

  8. How lovely! I did not know until recently that they will grow in Texas; you just won't get any cherries off of them. Makes me want to plant one just for the blooms!

  9. Mrs. Diana, I want to pass on an award to you. Please see my last blog entry. I so miss DC and Andrews AFB there is nothing like Arlington National Cemetary. It's chilling and awe inspiring. Beautiful pictures

  10. The cherry blossoms are beautiful! Can't wait to see more pictures! I'm praying for you tomorrow!

  11. I have always wanted to see that festival. Absolutely gorgeous.
