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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Need One of These

With all the stuff going on around here, can someone please find me one of these to post?  (cough..cough)

Yes, I'm trying to find humor in all this. And.....

Praise God for our travel trailer!


  1. So are you evacuated? This is all so scary. No problems here in the DFW area but seems like SO MANY other areas are in danger!

  2. Now-if the travel trailer only came with a maid! xo Diana

  3. By all means... wear a dust mask. That stuff isn't good for your lungs. Good luck with the work!

  4. That stuff is terrable for the lungs. Any hardware store should have them unless they are so out because of people getting them for the smoke outside. Have a blessed Friday.

  5. Oh, but you'll LOVE the outcome!!! I can't wait to see the finished product!

  6. Hi! Diana, this too will pass~ a few months a go when my 2 bathrooms were getting a make~over, seemed like these guys were never going to get through!! but they did and I love my "NEW"...just spreading some encourgement!! have a great week~end!! in spite of........!!

  7. I have been praying for you guys there. Really bad. Sandie

  8. Oh gee, I forgot about the dust. All my kids were small when we did it the last time. That dust was crazy. Keep your eye on the goal!!!
    I can't wait to see the fruit of your labor.

  9. Mmmmm ... I'm thinking it might be a good time to take a vacation to Hawaii :)
