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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Let's Believe!
This is an eleven-week study by Beth Moore that I did several years ago. I am looking so forward to getting to do it again. God's timing is perfect, and He has brought such an amazing group of women together for such a time as this. We will start up again on Wednesday. Can't wait!

Thanks to my sis for allowing me to do it at her house. Mine is -- should I say --  "under construction." That's a post in itself.


  1. It sounds nice and how nice to have a group that is meeting at your sister's house. I would like to see your house under construction. :)
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. Hooray! Another Beth Moore Study! And the spiritual growth that our LORD has planned! What a blessing.

    Oh, I have a surprise for you over at http://motherdaughtertango.blogspot.com

  3. I really enjoy Beth Moore bible studies. I've never done Believing God though. I wish I lived closer and I could come to the Bible study too. I totally know what you mean about your house being "under construction" our is too. We're redoing our kitchen. Remodeling is enough to make you crazy!

  4. I want to do this study! I have done several by Beth Moore and they were awesome. God bless you as you go through the course!

  5. So we will both be spending some time with Beth Moore this fall! I know we will both be blessed and challenged!
