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Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry and Memorable Around Here

The holidays have come and gone just as quickly as we knew they would. I pray you had a Merry Christmas just as our family did.

Merry? Yes!
Memorable? Most definitely!

Chad , the Oklahoma City nephew, was trying desperately to get here on Christmas Eve. A 2 ½ hour drive took him 8 plus hours because of the snow storm that had hit up there. He missed the meal and a Santa visit, but arrived in time for all the gift exchanging and fun of Christmas Eve around here.

My DIL and I both made trips to the ER on Christmas morning. Neither was life threatening but major pain has a way of telling you when you need to seek help.

Yet amidst the possible downers, I was blessed and continue to be thankful.
(Remember thanksgiving is not just a holiday but a way of life.)

I am thankful for Christmas memories with our families.
I am thankful for Jesus.
I am thankful for Demerol and antibiotics.
I am thankful for good food.
I am thankful for the love and concern of my family.
I am thankful for my couch, a warm fire, and Lifetime movies.

Bring on 2010!


  1. What a positive way to look at things. Sorry there was two ER visits over Christmas. Glad it was still good for everyone.

  2. Diana, Thank you for your Happy New Years comment to me. Happy New Year to your family!
    I am still wanting to hear why you & Keelie both had to go to ER!
    I am glad you are doing okay!
    Love you!

  3. I love your good attitude about the "downer". That's one thing God is teaching me about lately is that He is the engineer for every circumstance...therefore I can find joy in making the adjustments necessary!

    You just lived that out!
    Merry Christmas!

  4. I am so sorry you guys had a tough day/Christmas! Praying for you!
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  5. Oh yes! Gimme some of them Lifetime (and Hallmark) movies and a fire any day. No doubt your recovery is ensured!

    I have to laugh. Whenever I'm not feeling well I always dial into LMN because I can slip in and out of sleep and never miss much, even if the movie ends and another begins before I wake.

    Your list of "thankfuls" is precious. Thank you for sharing.


  6. Glad you and yours had a good Christmas (despite a few things that didn't go as planned)...loved your thankful list. Couldn't agree with you more! Hope you and yours have a wonderful 2010!

  7. Diana, I was sorry to hear that you were ill and I hope the problem is solved. I'm glad your Christmas was nice and I agree with you on all the thankfuls:D
    Thanks for leaving comments on my blog. I keep a close watch on yours!
    Have a Happy New Year. We've been invited over to my daughter's inlaws for New Year's Day for red beans, ham and cornbread. Just perfect for this X-southern girl! OOOOOOOOOWeeeee!

  8. Bless your thankful heart...glad everything turned out fine....

  9. So glad you had a great Christmas, except for the ER visits. Seems as if each day is and especially holidays always have at least one unforseen event that happens to shake things up. We had a wonderful Christmas, just went by way too quickly. Have been packing it all up today. A little sad, but glad to get it all put away again.
    We do have so much to be thankful for don't we! Great post.

  10. I appreciate your quote about thanksgiving. So sorry you had ER visits on Christmas day. I hope you are doing better. And you had a good Christmas despite the problems. Take care.

    Have a blessed New Year!
