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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Our Christmas

Jenna and the family came on Friday for Christmas. Saturday evening was Keelie's Annual Christmas Girls' PJ Party. As always, it's a fun time. Marlow officially joined "the girls" this year. The guys had hooked up Jonah's Xbox in the game room so they were set.

On Sunday (23rd), Jenna and the family went to church with us; we then had a light lunch at Marilyn's. Because Justin was to be on duty the next morning (Christmas Eve), our family Christmas was that night . For the second year in a row, we had grilled steaks for our meal. Unfortunately, Rick was in great pain all afternoon and finally had to go to bed. He missed the meal as well as most of the night.

Tim, Chad, Tara, and Fitz were with us. We had a visit from Santa after our meal. Everyone loved him except Marlow and Jackson who got caught off guard with no warning of a possible "Santa" visit; so they were not thrilled.

On Christmas Eve, Jenna and Jared went to Kelle's. We went to our Christmas Eve Candlelight service that night.

Christmas Day we had some down time and enjoyed lunch at Justin and Keelie's. That evening we had a meal at Marilyn's as Greg and family had arrived.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

End-of -Year Anniversaries

November 21 - Jared and Jenna 4 years

December 15 - Justin and Keelie 17 years

December 16 - Us 41 years

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Marlow's 3rd Birthday and First "School" Program

Marlow's 3rd birthday party was the day before her birthday. Her house was full of guests. Justin, Jonah, Glory, Molly, Marilyn, Chad, Tara, and Fitz were able to come to Mansfield for the party.

Last night, we went back down to see her in her first Christmas Program. You never know how those things will go, but she did very well.