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Friday, August 25, 2017

Portland Fishing Trip

Rickie, Marilyn, Rick, and I went to Astoria, Oregon for a King Salmon fishing trip. Rickie and Marilyn did this last year, but this was our first time. Let me clarify quickly; only Rick went to fish. I knew I couldn't handle it because of my motion sickness!

We flew into Portland, Oregon on Saturday afternoon and then drove to Astoria on Sunday. We were disappointed that the Tillamook cheese factory was closed for remodeling (Marilyn and I had seen this on another trip). We did, however, find Hangar B - the Tillamook Air Museum. This was an impressive thing to see; we all enjoyed it.

We stayed in Gearhart with Brian in a five-bedroom house. He cooked steaks and the fixings Sunday night. We had a great room and a sweet patio to enjoy.

Monday morning Rickie, Marilyn, and Brian left at 4:30 AM to go fishing. Fishing was a little slow for them so they stayed out from 6 AM to 4 PM. Marilyn forgot sunscreen so she got a terrible sunburn. Marilyn and Brian both got two fish. Rickie got one - the biggest catch of the day. We went out to eat that night in Seaside.

Tuesday was Rick's day to fish. He went out with Rickie and the rest of the guys. Rickie and Rick each got a fish. Marilyn and I stayed at the house and went to Seaside to get something to put on her sunburned face. Late in the day Rick finally got a great one.

After the guys cleaned up, we left Gearhart and drove down the coast line to Lincoln City for the night. Little did we know that in one week this town of 3000 could possibly have up to 200,000 thousand people watching the total eclipse of the sun. Rickie, Marilyn, and I went to a casino for a few minutes. On Wednesday, we went to Washington to Vancouver National Park. We took Rick to see the Vista House and Multnomah Falls which is on the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge.

Thanks for a great trip, Rickie and M!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Molly's First Birthday

Molly is one year old! Her party was held in her backyard with family and friends there to celebrate.

She is such a sweetie. She has grown and changed so much over the last couple of months. Look at that precious smile. We love you, Molly!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Marlow's Tubes and Marilyn's 60th

It was a BIG weekend!

After endless ear infections the last several months, Marlow got tubes Friday. Jenna and I had to have her at the hospital early this morning. When it was time for surgery, they gave her a little something to take the edge off and help with separation anxiety. There were no tears, and she got to take her "lovey" back with her. Everything went fine. The procedure was so quick! We were back to the house within a couple of hours. 

Marlow and Papa slept quite a bit while Jared, Jenna, and I got ready for a special birthday weekend here in Mansfield for Marilyn's 60th that began when she came down on Friday with Justin, Keelie, Jonah, Glory, and Molly.

Justin, Keelie, the kiddos, and Marilyn got to Mansfield around noon on Friday. After lunch at Rosa's, Marilyn, Keelie, Jenna, and I went for Chinese "foot massages." By late afternoon, Chad had arrived. He was supposed to have surprised Marilyn with Greg and Isabel, but Greg could not get out of Tennessee. All the planes had been delayed or canceled because of weather. We had pizza for dinner. 

Tara drove in Saturday morning. All the kids went out on the lake and enjoyed all the water toys. That afternoon Rickie and Jerry drove down. For an evening birthday meal, Rick and I bought Raising Cane's chicken (Marilyn's favorite). I made homemade ice cream and cake balls for dessert. Rick and Jerry went home Saturday night, and Marilyn stayed in Mansfield to visit with Chad and Tara some more before they headed back to Houston Sunday around noon. 

To Marilyn....

Happy birthday, sis. Without a doubt, one of my greatest gifts in this life is you. We might have fought a little (lot?) the first 10 or 11 years, but then something magical happened. It could have been something about that “kiss and make up” that Mother always made us do. But for whatever reason, we began liking and, more importantly, loving each other.

Years later, we are still best friends! Can't even imagine having gone through these years without you. Here's to many more...

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Jackson is three months old today. He is a great eater and very easy going. What a precious smile!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Almost One!

Keelie took this today at the park. Precious Molly is soon to be one year old. Unbelievable!